Some Of Our Fitness Classes Are Now Live Online Through Zoom!

We have an assortment of classes we are offering live online and not just pilates.  Our talented and amazing instructors are also offering strength training, stretch classes and more!

It's easy to join - simply follow these steps to purchase a package.


STEP 1.  Scroll over the Virtual Classes tab on the home page and find Services, Pricing, Purchases and click on it.


STEP 2. You will be directed to the services page. Click on PACKAGES at the top of the bar.


STEP 3. Scroll down and select a package and click on the box which will be added to the "shopping cart".


STEP 4. It will bring you to the Login or Create a new account page. If you are new click on link at the bottom which says “Don’t have an account Sign up now!” create a new account or login if you have one already.

If you’re a current student I can send you your login info to change your password as you already have an account but just haven’t accessed it yet online. Please text 808-479-1058.


STEP 5. Scroll to top right hand side of the page and CLICK on the CART picture with a #1 in it (it is holding your package to purchase). It brings you to the shopping cart page.  CLICK on Proceed To Checkout and purchase package entering you credit card info and address.